There is not always the understanding of spiritual abuse and religious trauma within faith organisations.
Nid yw'r byd seciwlar na'r gwasanaethau statudol bob amser yn deall ffydd, nac effaith agweddau ffydd unrhyw gamdriniaeth neu drawma.
Gall y rhai sydd wedi profi camdriniaeth a thrawma o fewn ffydd gael eu gadael yn teimlo'n ynysig, wedi eu camddeall neu weithiau'n cael eu barnu.
Rydym yn cynnig nifer o wasanaethau cymorth i'r rhai sydd wedi profi camdriniaeth a thrawma o fewn ffydd
We offer tailored support services to people in the UK who have experienced harm in faith cultures. This includes:
If this is you and you would like support, please get in touch.
Once you contact us, we will be in touch within 5 working days via email.
If we feel that our services are appropriate for your needs, we will offer you an initial call to discuss how we can help you. We can support you with things like:
Support calls are offered over the phone or via Zoom.
We do not offer counselling or psychotherapy, and we are not able to help you processes your experiences in depth or support you throughout your healing journey.
If you feel you would benefit from counselling, we can recommend Hope Valley Counselling who have a list of counsellors trained to work with people who have experienced harm in spiritual and religious settings.
As we are a registered charity in the UK, for legal reasons we are only able to offer support to those who are either currently based in the UK, or who were based in the UK at the time the harm occurred.
If neither of these apply to you, you are still welcome to access our online resources, but we won’t be able to offer you our support services.
During busy periods we operate a waiting list, so there might be a wait before we can book in your initial session. We will let you know how long your wait is likely to be, and give you the option to join the list.
If you join the list, we will be in touch as soon as a volunteer is available and get an initial session booked in.
We understand that sometimes you might feel more comfortable contacting us anonymously. We do not have a support line so there is not a number that you can call. Instead, we recommend that you create a new email address which you don’t use anywhere else. You can do this using Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo mail, or any other email provider.
Your new email address does not need to include your name or any other identifiable information. You can use this email address to contact us.
We can arrange your support sessions over email, and then at the time of our call you can ring our volunteer with your number blocked, by typing *67 before the phone number. This way we won’t have your phone number.
We never share your personal information with anyone outside of our organisation, unless we are concerned for the safety of a vulnerable child or adult. If this is the case, we will speak to you first before we contact the relevant services. We will never give your details to any faith or spiritual organisation unless you ask us to. You can read more about this in our Safeguarding policy.
Our support is free to anyone who needs to access it.
If you are an organisation wanting to commission support services or refer people to us, there is an expectation that you will pay for the cost of this support. We will discuss this with you when you get in touch.
Our support services cost us £60 per session to run. If you would like to donate to cover all or part of a cost of a session, you are welcome to do so.
If someone accessing support decides to make a donation towards the cost of that support, they are welcome to do so. However those who donate will not receive any preferential treatment.
Mae pob galwad yn gyfrinachol (oni bai fod pryder eich bod chi neu rywun arall mewn perygl o niwed. Ym mha achos byddwn yn trafod unrhyw gamau diogelu y mae angen i ni eu cymryd gyda'n gilydd a chytuno ar ffordd ymlaen.)
Whilst our support workers may have a faith, they are independent to any denomination or faith community. As an organisation we are completely independent.
Mae ein gweithwyr cymorth yn deall pob ffydd a dim ffydd ac yn rhoi cymorth yn unol â dealltwriaeth.
Mae ein holl weithwyr cymorth wedi byw profiad o gam-drin a thrawma o fewn ffydd a galwyr yn gwerthfawrogi'r ffaith ein bod yn ei "gael"
Support is given based on need regardless of any protected characteristics, or any theological positions held in relation to any protected characteristics.
All of our services are free to survivors. If an organisation wishes to refer people to us for support where there has been harm within that organisation, there is an expectation that the organisation will pay for the cost of that support.
“I just wanted to thank you for listening yesterday on the phone. I felt heard, understood and believed, which has been very healing for me…..It was such a release to hear the recognition in your voice that identified with what I was saying, where I have been misunderstood and at times criticised for my actions…..I know my journey is not yet complete, but I really feel supported by you.”
Where the content and discussion matter of workshops, training, conference, or research projects may cause distress or may trigger previous experiences of abuse and trauma, we can provide support for delegates or participants.
Bydd hyn yn cael ei deilwra i bob sefyllfa sy'n ddibynnol ar nifer yr oriau o gefnogaeth a allai fod eu hangen, a thrafod y pwnc.
Cost y tâl fesul awr fydd £32 gydag isafswm o 7.5 awr (£240)
Bydd y gost felly yn gymharol â nifer yr oriau sydd eu hangen. Cysylltwch â ni i drafod eich anghenion.
We are currently developing online resources on common themes that we advise and support on.
We will also include links to other organisations resources and useful content, videos and information from other sources.
The resources will be published here once we have developed these and they are quality assured.
Replenished Life Survivors Facebook group.
Link – Replenished Life Survivors | Facebook
Replenished Life Researchers Forum
Link – Replenished Life Research Community | Facebook